Yes! your thought is correct. In this article, we going to explore the mysterious hacking technique.
Concealing a file, message, image, or video within another file, message, image, or video is called Steganography. The word steganography combines the Greek words steganos (στεγανός), meaning "covered, concealed, or protected," and graphein (γράφειν) meaning "writing".
" Steganography is not the encryption or encoding technique.Hiding/injecting data into the real-time data"
The concept of steganography was first introduced in 1499, but the idea itself has existed since ancient times. There are stories of a method being used in the Roman Empire whereby a slave chosen to convey a secret message had his scalp shaved clean and a message was tattooed on the skin. When the messenger’s hair grew back, he was dispatched on his mission. The receiver shaved the messenger’s scalp again and read the message.
Ok!! lets play Now..... Find the concealing message from below message.
" Since Everyone Can Read, Encoding Text In Neutral Sentences Is Doubtfully Effective "
do you got the hidden message???? Wow, clap your self. Now try to write "I love you" in the same method and forward to your crush. hehe, !!!
Steganography has two different techniques. One is Physical Steganography another one is Digital Steganography.
Physical Steganography
This technique made with physical objects like wood, ink, Cloth, etc., Which is the very oldest conceal technique.
Example: Using invisible ink, writing with wax.
Digital Steganography
In Digital Steganography, data can Conceal with image, video, audio, .txt file, MS-Word, PDF, etc.,
In the above image assume cover as an Image.StegnoSystem covering the secret message with the Image (cover) with a key. After the process, you will get Image as Stego Object.
Now your message is hidden inside the Stego Object (Image). Now nobody can't read the Secret Message with the naked eye.
To see the Secret message again do the reverse process with the same method and key.
Image Steganography
In the above image assume cover as an Image.StegnoSystem covering the secret message with the Image (cover) with a key. After the process, you will get Image as Stego Object.
Now your message is hidden inside the Stego Object (Image). Now nobody can't read the Secret Message with the naked eye.
To see the Secret message again do the reverse process with the same method and key.
Image Steganography
To a computer, an image is a collection of numbers that constitute different light intensities in different areas of the image. This numeric representation forms a grid and the individual points are referred to as pixels. Most images on the Internet consists of a rectangular map of the image’s pixels (represented as bits) where each pixel is located and its colour. These pixels are displayed horizontally row by row.
The number of bits in a colour scheme, called the bit depth, refers to the number of bits used for each pixel. The smallest bit depth in current colour schemes is 8, meaning that there are 8 bits used to describe the colour of each pixel. Monochrome and greyscale images use 8 bits for each pixel and are able to display 256 different colours or shades of grey. Digital colour images are typically stored in 24-bit files and use the RGB colour model, also known as true colour. All colour variations for the pixels of a 24-bit image are derived from three primary colours: red, green and blue, and each primary colour is represented by 8 bits. Thus in one given pixel, there can be 256 different quantities of red, green and blue, adding up to more than 16-million combinations, resulting in more than 16-million colour.
The number of bits in a colour scheme, called the bit depth, refers to the number of bits used for each pixel. The smallest bit depth in current colour schemes is 8, meaning that there are 8 bits used to describe the colour of each pixel. Monochrome and greyscale images use 8 bits for each pixel and are able to display 256 different colours or shades of grey. Digital colour images are typically stored in 24-bit files and use the RGB colour model, also known as true colour. All colour variations for the pixels of a 24-bit image are derived from three primary colours: red, green and blue, and each primary colour is represented by 8 bits. Thus in one given pixel, there can be 256 different quantities of red, green and blue, adding up to more than 16-million combinations, resulting in more than 16-million colour.
In desktop create a folder named as stegno.
1)Zip your secret data in .rar formate i.e. secret.rar
2)the Image going to use for Steganography is ironman.jpg
Then past image and .rar file into stegno folder
open CMD.exe
type C:\Users\daga'>cd Desktop/stegno
4) And then type the following command. { cd } { Copy /b imagename.jpg + filename.rar finalnameofimage.jpg }
Once you run the command you will get the output of the above image and inside the folder, your steganography image too created in the name of stegno.jpg
To access the secret.rar, just open the stegno.jpg with WinRAR application.
Dear kiddies do not worry about the above steps for you only we proving the tools to "Make it Simple".
Image Steganography tool : Click Here to download
Video Steganography tool : Click Here to download
Audio Steganography tool : Click Here to download