IP Obfuscation - A simple method to convert IP address into int ,Hex or Octal form


What is IP  Obfuscation?

    Which is a method to hide or convert a doted format IP address (e.g.  into an Integer or Hexadecimal value or Octal form by using some mathematical formula. It's a kind of method to spoof the human eyes and web-security services.

dot format to Decimal Conversion

piratesshield.com 👉  []

to translate 

(172x2563)+(67x2562)+(129x2561)+(3x2560) = 2890105091

Now you can use https://2890105091 to access piratesshield.com 

This is one of the ways to do IP  Obfuscation.  The tool ' Cuteit ' A simple python tool to help you to social engineer, bypass whitelisting firewalls, potentially break regex rules for command-line logging looking for IP addresses and obfuscate cleartext strings to C2 locations within the payload.


Download & Install Cuteit from the below link 

git :

git clone https://github.com/D4Vinci/Cuteit.git

Direct link:

usage: Cuteit.py [-h] [--disable-coloring] ip
positional arguments:
ip IP you want to convert
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--disable-coloring Disable colored printing

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