To create a Simple Chat-Bot coding knowledge not required. Follow the below steps to create your personal chatBot for your business.
1) Goto and register your free account and do login.
2) Click the "Bot icon" from the left side menu bar.
3) Chose the dedicated Bot template from HubType by clicking the right side down menu.
for testing purpose, I have chosen the "Hello World" template. then click "Create"
5) Bot script editor and emulator page will load into your browser automatically. there you can customize the Bot script.
Then click the "PUBLISH" button which located in bottom of the editor.
6) Now click the "INTEGRATIONS" button from the top menu bar. Then you can able to see FB, Telegram, Whatsapp icons.
Click messenger icon and login into your Facebook account ( your FB page should belong to this AC )
7) Chose the Facebook Page, where you want to integrate Chat-Bot.
Click the " Connect Page " that's it. You Bot ready to rock now.