What is Ansible ?


What is Ansible?

Ansible is an Open-Source Automation tool used to automate your day-to-day copy-Cat works like checking Device status, logs, converting files & extract the data, patching servers,  Security Auditing and much more you can do with this.

It is an Agent-less automation anyone can use. No need to install any kind of software on the scoped machines

    Ansible loves Linux and has a crush on Python . that why Ansible Engine/Tower only runs on the Linux Operating system and builds on Python ( both 2.7 and 3. better to go with Python 3).

Which have the capability to command all the IT Products available in the globe. with 1800+ pre-build modules and other Third-party modules available in the market.

Here YAML using as a scripting language. Ansible belongs to RED HAT.

Ansible Golden triange

- Ansible Engine 

  • Used to run a simple Playbook (config) and Ad-Hoc command.
  • license not required.

- Ansible Tower

  •  Used for Enterprise level Automation.
  • Available with GUI, Running on Ansible Engine.
  • License Required (can purchase from RED HAT  )
  • Minimum 4 GB RAM  and 20GB Hard Disk space

- Ansible Galaxy 

  • Galaxy provides pre-packaged units of work known to Ansible as roles and collections
  • It's a kind of Project repository. where you can store your Project Roles, help other's projects to complete, Download pre-build Roles, and templates.

Things to Know...

  • 30,000+ stars & 11,000+ forks on GitHub

  • 3,000+ GitHub contributors

  • Over 1,800 modules shipped with Ansible

  • New contributors added every day

  • 1,500+ users on IRC channel

  • Top 10 open source projects in 2017

  • Worldwide meet-ups taking place every week

  • Ansible Galaxy: Over 18,000 subscribers

  • 250,000+ downloads a month

  • AnsibleFests in Austin, NYC, SF, London

  • http://ansible.com/community


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